Wychall Lane Surgery

Patient Info Old

Patient info

How can we help you today? Please select the any of options below.

Self referrals & local services

Choose this option if you want to view or access the self referral options available to you. You can choose your doctor and hospital.

General enquiries

Choose this option to order repeat prescriptions, view your blood results, medical records and request a sick note and get online access.

Consult your GP

Choose this option to consult your GP, arrange a follow up consultation, general health check, medication review, or long term condition review.

Medication reviews & tests

Choose this option to book an appointment with the practice nurse or healthcare assistant. You will see a GP, if needed.

Advice on common conditions

Choose this option to recognise & treat common self-treatable illnesses with either advice or over-the-counter to better look after your own health.

Symptoms checker

Choose this option to check your symptoms and view treatments, including what to do and when to get help.

Medicines A to Z

Choose this option to find out how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions.

Our services

Choose this option to view the services provided by our practice.

Travel service

Choose this option if you want to know more about our travel services.


Choose this option if you want to join our patient participation group or make positive suggestions about the practice.

Flu vaccination

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